Verifiable Facts Not Theories

Life Insurers Raise Concerns Over Surging “Excess Mortality”

Despite indications of a decrease in excess mortality rates, life insurance industry leaders and actuaries express deep concern, foreseeing a prolonged period of elevated death claims and continued strain on profits. Excess mortality, defined as the surplus of actual deaths over the expected numbers, has remained worryingly high despite a decline in COVID infection rates,

Life Insurers Raise Concerns Over Surging “Excess Mortality” Read More »

Why Did Gates & Pentagon Release Gene Edited Mosquitoes in Florida Keys?

Despite strong resident protests, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically-modified or “gene edited” killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keys. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in development of the CRISPR technology being used to genetically modify everything

Why Did Gates & Pentagon Release Gene Edited Mosquitoes in Florida Keys? Read More »

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